Allianz Pride and Marsh present: LGBTQ+ People of Faith
Whenever religion and LGBTQ+ issues are part of the same discussion, the focus is usually on the prejudice faced by the LGBTQ+ community at the hands of religious institutions, or traditional religious beliefs and teachings about sexuality and gender.
There is less discussion around what it’s like to be an LGBTQ+ person of faith and the different experiences that those people face. Some may be part of a community that fully embraces and celebrates their lives, some may be part of a faith tradition that doesn’t necessarily accept all of who they are, and some may experience rejection from other LGBTQ+ people because of their faith.
This panel event will explore the lived experiences of different LGBTQ+ people of faith – the conflict, the support, the struggles, and reflections about the intersections of faith, and sexuality and gender identity.
Following the panel event questions, there will be a live Q&A session where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and the panellists with share reflections in an open and safe space.
Registration link here.