iCAN in the Media
Check out our latest mentions and pieces across the press
Press & Media
At iCAN, we are proud to have the support of and be featured in the leading trade publications in the UK insurance industry - Insurance Business, Insurance Times, Intelligent Insurer and the Insurance Post - as well as other major publications.
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iCAN in the Press
Check out all our recent press articles, mentions and features below.
Explore the archives: Press 2019
Citizens Advice report reawakens underwriting and trust concerns for ethnic minorities
March 2022
iCAN Co-Chair, Kishan Mangat, talks to the Insurance Times on how the latest findings from Citizens Advice has highlighted that bias is ‘baked’ into underwriting processes, meaning insurers ’are now on the back foot.’
The time is right: take action and do more for D&I
March, 2021
Ajay Mistry and Kishan Mangat talk to Intelligent Insurer on how more needs to be done about race equality.
Gareth Mutema on how the dialogue surrounding D&I has shifted
7, October 2020
Gareth Mutema talks to Insurance Business on how the dialogue surrounding D&I has shifted.
British Insurance Brokers Assocation (BIBA): Now is the Time for Action
September Issue, 2020
Gareth Mutema Cert CII from our Steering Committee talks to BIBA in "Now is the Time for Action" on what it means to be Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic in our sector and how we can take diversity forwards.
Inclusion @ Lloyd’s: Holding up the mirror report
21, September 2020
Our Co-Chair, Ajay Mistry, talks about our involvement in the creation of the Ethnic Minority in the Workplace research with Lloyd’s as well as some of our exciting new initiatives this year,
The Rooney Rule: Could it improve the recruitment and retention of ethnic minorities in insurance?
04, September 2020
After one Lloyd’s syndicate might be adopting such a strategy, Insurance Times examines whether the Rooney Rule might solve the ongoing recruitment and retention issues.
Briefing: Leadership and Lipservice: update on Dive In pay gap event
19, August 2020
It’s unfortunate that for the leadership to get in gear it’s taken sudden events to really hit the message home — in the case of sexual harassment and sexism insurance being embarrassed by…
Zurich leader on the need for "cheerleaders" in insurance
23, July 2020
Insurance Business interviews our Head of Partnerships, Maxine Goddard, on how the insurance industry must come to recognise the need to support women when it comes to relationship building and networking.
Where has the industry got to with diversity and inclusion?
09, July 2020
iCAN SteerCo member, Gareth Mutema, joins Insurance Age to discuss how far the industry has got to with diversity & inclusion and how much more needs to be done.
Insurance industry BAME retention issue ‘down to culture’
14 July, 2020
Insurance Times spoke to us and the ACIN about BAMW retention within the industry.
Insurance Business Podcast with Kishan Mangat
June 2020
We all know diversity is an issue in the insurance sector, but why is it important and should companies consider positive discrimination? Paul Lucas from Insurance Business talks to our Co-Chair, Kishan Mangat, to find out.
Little Black Book of Anti-Racist Resources
07, July 2020
Our Little Black Book of Anti-Racist Resources gets featured in Insurance Times on how to become a better ally and helpful resources.
Why excuses for lack of diversity don't wash anymore
24, June 2020
Kishan Mangat, iCAN Co-Chair, talks to Insurance Business on how action is now required by firms to promote D&I insider their organisations.
Revealed: Top BAME insurance leaders and role models 2020
24, June 2020
Eleven Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) insurance leaders have been revealed across three of the latest Empower lists, and some candidates have made it on to the list yet again.
Black Lives Matter protests reawaken insurance industry under-representation BAME debate
12, June 2020
Clare Ruel from Insurance Times speaks to our SteerCo members, Elisha S Hilaire and Maxine Goddard on how the BLM movement has opened up a dialogue in the insurance industry about the low levels of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) representation.
Insurance industry BAME retention issue ‘down to culture’
19 June, 2020
Insurance Times issued our statement on Black Lives Matter following the death of George Floyd and the subsequent protests that have followed worldwide
iCAN signs four new sponsors in 2020 ‘Year of Action’
18, March 2020
Our “Year of Action” receives coverage in Insurance Times.
Insurance Cultural Awareness Network issues statement on Black Lives Matter
17, June 2020
Coverage of our statement on the Black Lives matter protests and movement.
Insurance Cultural Awareness Network marks 2020 as 'Year of Action'
18, March 2020
Insurance Business highlights our “Year of Action.”
Explore the archives: Press 2019