Beazley commits to race and ethnicity targets to improve workforce diversity

We are proud to announce one of our wonderful sponsors, Beazley Insurance, are releasing their targets in an effort to improve workforce diversity.

After reviewing both employee data and census data in the countries in which they operate, Beazley has set a race and ethnicity diversity goal to reach by the end of 2023. Beazley aims to ensure at least 25% of the global workforce will consist of People of Colour by the end of 2023. In recognition that Black people are particularly underrepresented in Beazley and the insurance industry in general, an additional goal of ensuring that at least a quarter of the 25% target is made up of Black people.

In territories where they cannot track race and ethnicity data, Beazley’s focus will be on building more inclusive working practices.

Read the full press release by Beazley here.


iCAN Statement: #StopAsianHate


The time is right: take action and do more for D&I